

2013-02-21伍焜玉院士Discovery of a novel tryptophan metabolite for endogenous control of COX-2 expression and cancer growth高茂傑教授 
2013-01-10譚澤華 教授JNK-MAPK Kinases and Phosphatases in Cell Signaling and Human Diseases藍忠昱 教授 
2013-01-03李勁葦 博士Probing the Dynamics of Protein Synthesis in Living Cells楊嘉鈴教授 
2012-12-27邱子珍 博士MicroRNA399-Mediated Vascular Signaling in Plants - A Long Distance Call from Phosphorus.孫玉珠 教授 
2012-12-20Prof. Kevin ChenTranslation Research in Autism and Cancer: novel roles of MAO.焦傳金 教授 
2012-12-13劉治平 教授Molecular and cellular studies of novel targets to improve cell-based immunotherapy for diabetes.王雯靜 教授 
2012-12-06陳鈴津 教授Glycan-targeted cancer therapy.張大慈 教授 
2012-11-29李宏謨 校長Effects of α-lipoic acid on lipid metabolism.汪宏達 教授 / 張壯榮 教授 
2012-11-22鄭兆珉 博士Paper-based ELISA for Detecting Various Diseases.傅化文 教授 
2012-11-15Professor Philippe TaquetDinosaurs from North Africa李家維 教授 
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