

2014-01-09黃敏銓教授Roles of mucin-type O-glycosylation in hepatocellular carcinoma張大慈教授 
2014-01-02鍾邦柱教授Function and Regulation of Steroid Hormone Synthesis王歐力教授 
2013-12-26胡務亮教授 人類基因治療之新發展汪宏達教授 
2013-12-19陳青周教授Drugging the Epigenome: from Molecules to Translation楊嘉鈴教授 
2013-12-12Dr. Michel DelsenyTwenty years of plant genome sequencing and discovery林彩雲教授 
2013-12-05伍安怡教授Host and viral factors that contribute to dengue hemorrhage藍忠昱教授 
2013-11-28Dr. Geoffrey MillerThe genetics of sexual selection in humans: Mutation load, mutual mate choice, and mental fitness indicators楊立威教授 
2013-11-28Dr. Alain ProchiantzTraveling homeoprotein transcription factors shake dogma from bench to bed焦傳金教授 
2013-11-14Dr. Roger HanlonThe visual sensorimotor system of adaptive coloration in cephalopods焦傳金教授 
2013-11-14鄭惠春博士Structural Basis of Dynein Motility孫玉珠教授  
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