



  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    19961996,Chang, Y.-C., Wu, T.-Y., Li, B.-F., Gao, L.-H., Liu, C.-Y. and Wu, C.-L. (1996) Purification and biochemical characterization of AMPA/kainate-sensitive L-glutamate receptors of porcine brain. Biochem. J. 319, 49-57. ,張兗君
    19961996,Wu, T.-Y., Liu, C.-Y. and Chang, Y.-C. (1996) A study of the oligomeric state of AMPA-preferring glutamate receptors in the synaptic junctions of porcine brain. Biochem. J. 319, 331-339. ,張兗君
    19961996,Lin*,T.H., Pan,J.T. and Peng,W.J. A novel charge distribution method for the numerical solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. Journal of Chinese Chemical Society 43, 7-16 (1996). ,林志侯
    19961996,Cheng,J.W., Cheng,C.C., Lyu,P.C., Chen,S.T. and Lin,T.H. Solution conformation of a peptide corresponding to residues 151-172 of HIV-1 integrase using NMR and CD spectroscopy. International J.ournal of Peptide Protein Research 47, 117-122 (1996). ,林志侯
    19961996,Duggleby RG, Peng HL, and Chang HY (1996) An improved assay for UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase and other enzymes that have a nucleoside triphosphate or diphosphate product. Experientia, 52:568-572. ,張晃猷
    19961996,Duggleby RG, Chao YC, Huang CG, Peng HL, and Chang HY (1996) Sequence differences between human muscle and liver cDNAs for UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase and kinetics differences between human muscle and liver cDNA expressed in Escherichia coli. European Journal of Biochemistry 235:173-179,張晃猷
    19961996,Chang HY, Deng WL, Lee JH, Fu TF, and Peng HL (1996) Virulence and outer membrane properties of a Klebsiella pneumoniae galU mutant. Microbial Pathogenesis 20:255-261,張晃猷
    19961996,Chang HY, Peng HL, Chao YC, and Duggleby RG (1996) The importance of conserved residues in human liver UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase. European Journal of Biochemistry 236:723-728.,張晃猷
    19961996,Skurat AV, Peng HL, Chang HY, Cannon JF, and Roach PJ. (1996) Rate-limiting steps in the biosynthesis of glycogen in COS cells. Archive of Biochemistry and Biophysics 328:283-288.,張晃猷
    19961996,Peng HL, Deng WL, Yang YH, and Chang HY (1996) Identification and characterization of the acoD gene encoding a dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase of the Klebsiella pneumoniae acetoin dehydrogenase system. Journal of Biochemistry 119:1118-1123. ,張晃猷
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