

2016-11-03洪瑞鴻副教授Revealing novel epigenetics of transcription factors and histone modifiers in stem cells using Bioinformatics approaches陳令儀教授 
2016-10-27藍始立教授Insulin Autoimmunity, Tolerance, and Type 1 Diabetes張大慈教授、周裕珽教授 
2016-10-13姚皓傑助理教授Optogenetic investigation of VTA afferents in reward-related behaviors張鈞惠教授 
2016-10-061.鄭世進助理教授、2.楊立威副教授1.Innate immunity back in the spotlight – dogma-shifting concept concerning immunological memory, 2.Career Security: Stay away from troubles by not committing Plagiarism徐瑞洲教授 
2016-09-291.郭崇涵助理教授、2.巫小玲副工程師1.Olfaction modulates social subordination, 2.實驗室安全介紹焦傳金教授 
2016-09-22Prof. Ivet BaharModeling the Machinery of Neurotransmitter Transporters: Learning from Computations and Experiments楊立威教授 
2016-05-05吳素幸研究員Light modulates shifts of transcriptome and translatome in plants劉姿吟教授 
2016-04-28李秀敏特聘研究員Regulations of protein import into plastids劉姿吟教授 
2016-04-21沈湯龍 副教授Integrins, exosomes and cancer metastasis汪宏達教授 
2016-04-14馬徹副研究員Structural Biology and Infectious Diseases吳夙欽教授 
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