- 題目:生科院論文比賽獲獎學生報告
- 演講日期:2010-06-24
Title: A lab-on-a-chip platform for studying Title: Unique epitopes on CemX in IgE-B cell Title: Calcium binds to LipL32, a lipoprotein Time: 10:10AM, Thursday, Jun. 24, 2010 ※歡迎聽講※
the subcellular functional proteome of neuronal axons
Speaker: 吳慧音同學
receptors are potentially applicable for
targeting IgE-committed B cells
Speaker: 陳君柏同學
from pathogenic Leptospira, and
modulates fibronectin binding
Speaker: 董容羽同學
Place: James D. Watson Hall (B1 Auditorium),
LS Building II
Host: 吳夙欽老師 Prof. Suh-Chin Wu
Language: English,中文