- 題目:Environment and Immunity: Role of the aryl-hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)-ligand axis in controlling homeostasis
- 演講日期:2013-03-14
國立清華大學 生命科學院 NATIONAL TSING HUA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCE Departmental Seminar Title: Environment and Immunity: Role of the aryl-hydrocarbon receptor 國家衛生研究院 Distinguished Investigator, National Health Research Institutes
(AhR)-ligand axis in controlling homeostasis
Speaker:黃嘯谷 特聘研究員 Dr. Shau-Ku Huang
Time: 10:10 AM, Thursday, Mar. 14, 2013
Place: James D. Watson Hall (B1 Auditorium), LS Building II
Host: 張大慈教授 Prof. Margaret Dah-Tsyr Chang
Language: English
- 演講者:黃嘯谷 特聘研究員
- 主持人:張大慈教授
- 附件檔案: 1020314colloquium
- 參考連結:
- 備註:
- 張貼人:許富銘
- 最後修改時間:2013-03-14 AM 9:10